Regional resource for research animal models and services.
Your organization needs to focus its valuable resources on your core business: research. Outsourcing your animal breeding and husbandry activities to InVivos allows you to do just that
Taconic Biosciences is a provider of genetically engineered rodent models and services. Specialists in Humanization and GEMS Management, Taconic helps clients acquire, generate, breed, precondition, test, and distribute relevant research models.
The Jackson Laboratory (JAX®) is an independent, nonprofit organization focusing on mammalian genetics research to advance human health. JAX® breed and manage colonies of mice to supply other research institutions and laboratories.
InVivos can supply organs, biological fluids and tissue products harvested from our animal models. In addition, surgery services are available.
Come meet InVivos at one of the several events we attend every year. Please click here to find out more information on each event. We look forward to seeing you there!
Next Webinars:
Predictive Cancer Models Using Patient-derived Xenograft Mice
– 26 September
Do you need pre-clinical models that represent the diversity of cancer patient demographics? Using patient-derived xenograft (PDX) mice enables modeling the heterogeneity of human cancer and conducting more translationally-relevant cancer research studies.
Click here for past and future webinars.
Over the past couple of years InVivos’ team have put together several scientific posters. These can now be viewed on our website by clicking here. Once on the webpage you can click on the poster you are interested in to view the full size PDF. Make sure to check out these posters that were showcased at AFLAS 2016 and SALAS 2017.
Click here for past news.